Saturday, August 10, 2013

Important contacts of public/private sector related to agriculture in Nepal

अश्विनी कुमार अग्रवाल
नेपाल टि एशोसियसन
न्युरोड, काठमाडौं
फोन: ४२१९६३८, ४२६४६६५
मोबाइल: ९८५१०२०४३१

डा. भवेश्वर पंगेनी
हाईल्याण्ड कफी प्रमोशन कम्पनी लि.
ठूलो भर्याङ्ग, श्वयम्भु, काठमाडौं
फोन: ०१-६२२०४७४
मोबाइल: ९८४१३६४३६३

Sunday, August 4, 2013

कर्मभूमि नेपाल

दैनिक १ हजार २ दुई ६० जना बलियाबांगा युवा त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलको बाटो भएर रोजगारका लागि मुलुक छाड्छन् । त्यो पनि न्यून आय हुने काममा । अझ चोर बाटोबाट विदेशिनेको संख्या वैदेशिक रोजगार विभागको तथ्यांकबाहिरै छ । स्वदेशमा आम्दानीको कुनै बाटो नदेखेर विदेशिने मुलुकको युवा श्रमशक्ति ३५ लाख नाघिसकेको अनुमान छ ।

ठीक यहीँनिर कतिपय विदेशी भने नेपालकै माटोमा बेग्लै नाम र दाम कमाइरहेका छन् । संख्यामा थोरै नै किन नहुन्, यसरी नेपाली माटोलाई श्रम, ज्ञान र सीपले सिँगार्ने यी पौरखीहरूले दिएको स्पष्ट सन्देश हो, गर्न सके नेपालमै सबै थोक छ ।

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Acts, regulations, policies, directives related to Agriculture in Nepal

Agriculture has been called the backbone of Nepalese economy as it contributes about one third of the total GDP and employs over two thirds of the workforce of the country. Following are the major acts, regulations, policies, directives related to Agriculture in Nepal.

Crops, Livestock, Poultry Insurance in Nepal

The Insurance Board introduced a directive that makes it mandatory for all non-life insurance companies to come up with insurance products on crops, livestock and poultry.

The Crops, Livestock and Poultry Insurance Directive, which came into effect on January 14, is expected to provide relief to individuals and firms engaged in agriculture business, while paving way for banks and financial institutions to channel more funds into the agriculture sector, which has remained neglected for long.

Following introduction of the directive, the Board, the insurance sector regulator, also introduced six insurance products on paddy, vegetables, potato, poultry (chicken and duck), fruits (orange and juanr, a citrus fruit) and livestock.